13 October, 2008

{here's what 8 1/2 years of friendship looks like}

Brock and Emma have been great friends since Emma was born. I've got some pictures of them that aren't on my computer that would melt your heart {an almost 2yr old Brock holding tiny baby Emma, Brock w/his arm around Em's shoulders at her 1st bday party}. I'm talking some seriously cute stuff here!

July 2004
Brock{back left} & Em {back right}
Aug 2004

August 2005

Fall 2006
Dec 2007
May 2008
Oct 2008
{I'm sure their story of friendship isn't anywhere near over...}


LauraB said...

Boy I sure hope I can be there for the wedding. :)

Erin Shipps said...

Oh my, they have grown so much! I miss them. How adorable.

Nicole said...

Those pictures are darling!!! She has the cutest little chin.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Eeww...cayenne pepper on the thumb and he still can manage to suck it? He's one determined kiddo! :) The stuff I remember was so bitter...sort of like nail polish remover but not at all that! Honestly, I eventually grew out of sucking my thumb...and got braces. I've been wracking my brain trying to come with any sort of ideas to help you with. Actually, that got me thinking. I was trained as a dental assistant and I remember us talking about thumb sucking when we were covering Ortho. Let me check my dental books to see if there is anything in there. Hope you have a great night, Tonya!! So glad we're friends!